
Introducing Talent360

Talent360 is an advanced employee monitoring system designed to track productivity of each employee and security within an organization

It is a comprehensive solution aimed at enhancing both the productivity and security of an organization by closely monitoring employee activities. Here is a more detailed breakdown of its purpose and functionalities

Employee Work Time Tracking

Employee Work Time Tracking
Automatically logs the start and end times of employee work sessions

Talent360 integrates with employee workstations to automatically detect when an employee begins and ends their work session. This is achieved through login/logout timestamps or activity detection.

Generates detailed reports on employee work hours for productivity analysis

It collects data on the duration of work sessions and compiles it into comprehensive reports. These reports can highlight patterns in work habits, helping managers understand productivity trends and identify areas for improvement.


Periodically captures screenshots to monitor activity

At regular intervals, the system captures screenshots of the employee's desktop. This ensures that employees are working on their assigned tasks and not engaging in unauthorized activities.

Helps in verifying that employees are working on assigned tasks

By reviewing these screenshots, supervisors can ensure employees are focusing on their tasks and adhering to company policies.

Screen Monitoring Software
Live Stream

Live Stream

Provides a real-time view of employee screens to supervisors

Supervisors can access a live feed of an employee's screen, allowing for real-time monitoring. This feature is particularly useful for high-security environments or during critical project phases where close supervision is necessary.

Activity Log

Records all user activities, including application usage and web browsing

Talent360 maintains a log of all activities performed on the computer. This includes which applications were used, for how long, and what websites were visited.

Helps in identifying productive and non-productive activities

By analyzing these logs, managers can distinguish between productive activities (such as working on a project) and non-productive ones (like browsing social media), thereby facilitating better time management strategies.

Activity Log

USB Tracking

USB Tracking
Monitors and logs all USB device connections to employee computers

Every time a USB device is connected to an employee's computer, Talent360 logs the event. This includes details like the device type, connection time, and duration of use.

Prevents unauthorized data transfer and enhances data security

By monitoring USB connections, the system can prevent unauthorized data transfers, thereby protecting sensitive company information. Alerts can be set up to notify supervisors of any suspicious USB activity.

Monthly Attendance

Tracks and records employee attendance on a daily basis

The system records daily attendance data, including clock-in and clock-out times. This can be integrated with biometric systems or manual logging to ensure accuracy.

Generates monthly attendance reports, highlighting absenteeism and punctuality

Using the collected data, Talent360 generates detailed monthly reports that summarize attendance patterns. These reports can identify trends in absenteeism and punctuality, helping HR departments address attendance issues and recognize exemplary employees.

Monthly Attendance